As students extol Acting Provost

By Martin Nwoko

The Imo State College of Nursing and Midwifery, Orlu which scored one hundred percent success in the last Nursing and Midwifery qualifying examination has secured approval of the regulatory body to visit the institution for the commencement of the Basic Midwifery Department.

A source in the institution who spoke to this reporter said, “it is gratifying to note that this wonderful feat was achieved barely four months after the appointment of Mrs Hannah Offor as Acting Provost”.

The source further stated that Mrs Offor has sanitized the system, boosted the morale of staff, made discipline the watch word and ensured quality service delivery. “It is obvious that the new Acting Provost by her actions, is poised to take the institution to greater heights of comprehensive growth and development.

Some students of the institution who also expressed satisfaction with the performance of the Acting Provost described her, as “a down to earth person and thorough bred professional whose humility, passion and commitment to excellence has impacted positively on the institution in a very short time”.

“Mrs Offor not minding her position as the Provost still goes to the classroom to teach and groom the students unlike others who only concentrated on administrative duties. Her focused, purposeful and result-oriented approach led to the medical center, students’ hostel, cafeteria and other sections of the institution wearing new looks”.

A management staff of the school who also pleaded anonymity expressed gratitude to Governor Uzodinma for choosing Mrs Hannah Offor to preside over the affairs of the college at this point in time, stressing that, “she has within barely four months in office as provost, performed creditably by ensuring peace, sanity and restoring the confidence of staff, students and management to the system”.