By Harriet Ijeomah

 Ehime Mbano born United States of America based Attorney Charles Onyirimba has expressed concern over the deplorable state of affairs in the state of affairs in Imo state and promised to change the narrative if given the opportunity to serve and deploy his exposure and wealth of experience garnered over time.

The  Founder and arrow head of Imo Transformation Agenda who places much premium on human capital and infrastrual developments regretted that Imo State has for a long time been denied the dividends of democracy as the youths due to unemployment, deprivation and lack of enabling environment are being enslaved in Libya, Malaysia, Dubai and other places where they migrated to in search of greener pasture, while insecurity and attendant hazards have assumed frightening dimensions.

The erudite Attorney and renowned manager of men and resources who has seen and experienced how things are done in more developed climes also posited that, “the strength of every good government is hinged on well articulated, sanitized and  structured systems that are propelled  by vision, focus and people-oriented disposition of leaders and operators who must be motivated by their passion and commitment to the enhancement of the people’s welfare and overall interest.”

He further noted that God endowed him with the innate ability and privilege of being exposed to developed climes and also the opportunity to have acquired top level management training in human and material resources.

He said,”I therefore believe that it is a divine assignment and call to service of which I shall  apply all that life and our good Lord has bequeathed to me by assisting to rescue my people and our fatherland from hopelessness, destitution and degradation.  

 “In the Nigerian contest, the instrumentality of governance and government are the major problem  affecting  political economy. This instrumentality informed my resolve to seek an elective office to help reshape the ruderless course of my land.

 “As your Governor, I shall help fashion proper laws that will help redirect our nations move towards collision and destruction. As your Governor, and a good steward,  I shall galvanise all resources to help develop non-existent and broken infrastructures in my Okigwe.  Attorney Charles Onyirimba pledged that  he will by the grace of God initiate programmes and policies that will give hope to the hopeless, by providing employment for the youths, ensure prompt payment of pensions and salaries, restore the lost glory of our educational system, and also provide enabling environment for artisans to flourish, using my pet project, Imo transformation agenda as a launching pad.”