• Says: Ejiogu, Best Option

 “All the institutions of governance in Imo State have collapsed, insecurity is presently at an unprecedented level and our people can no longer sleep with their two eyes closed. This has negatively affected all sectors of the economy culminating in unemployment, hunger, lack and deprivation.

“The current administration, has no doubt done it’s best. But regrettably what ever the APC government in the state and its agents claim to have done are not good enough to guarantee them a second tenure”.

“Imo people desire and yearn for a change of baton that will usher in the dawn of a new era. An era of social justice, rule of law, local government autonomy and other world acclaimed indices of democratic governance which only the All Progressive Grand Alliance APGA and its governorship candidate, the Umuakuru Emekuku, Owerri North Local Government Area born Tony Ejiogu have the capacity, passion and commitment to offer”.

The deputy governorship candidate of APGA, Chief Sir Chris Ejike Uche (Dimkpasaa) stated this in an exclusive interview with Nigeria Watchdog Newspaper at the party’s campaign office on Tuesday.

The Ndimoko, Arondizuogu born former Deputy National Chairman of APGA further stated that, “the cardinal duty of any government that is worth it’s onion is to ensure the security of lives and property of the people because insecurity is a destroyer of socio-economic development, growth and stability.

“Aside the prevalent economic melt down, there is acute hunger all over the state because farmers can no longer go to their farms to produce food because of insecurity. Infact most people have deserted their homes and communities to safer places. In the same way, investors are scared of coming to the state as a result of the menace, while some of those already in the state are relocating their businesses to safer environments. All these are having debilitating effects on the state and her people whose plight have become very pitiable”.

Responding to a question, the former Commissioner for Housing and Urban Planning and later for Public Utilities before his voluntary resignation from the Rochas Okorocha Cabinet said, “yes, like most of his aides and appointees have said, the Governor has done very well by reconstructing the Owerri-Orlu, Owerri-Okigwe and other roads in the state. But like my Principal, the governorship candidate of our party Tony Ejiogu, has always said, “you don’t clap for a woman for breast feeding her child because it is her primary duty.

“It is the primary duty of government to provide social amenities as part of the dividends of democracy. However, if you construct roads and the people for whom they are constructed are either dying or disappearing in their numbers, who would ply the roads?’

“Another issue that underscores the importance of security and rule of law is this, a situation where the government, its cronies and agents win all the cases that go to court is an aberration that scares prospective investors and militates against the state and her economy.

“In business transactions, there are bound to be disagreements that may lead to litigations. An investor who knows that he would lose in court despite having a good case because, “he pays the piper dictates the tune would rather avoid such environment. And that is exactly what is happening in Imo State today which the government of APGA under His Excellency, Tony Ejiogu has vowed to change by ensuring that, the dictum which says that the law is not a respecter of any person prevails and is seen to prevail.

“It is unfortunate that the court which is said to be the last hope of the common man now encourages injustice in all ramifications”.

Responding to another question,Chief Ejike Uche, a graduate of the London School of Economics said, governance is all about accountability, transparency and sustaining the confidence of the people whose mandate you hold and exercise in trust. The governorship candidate of our party is a highly principled gentleman who has travelled lived and operated in well developed democratic societies. He places premium on equity, justice and fairness which culminate in rule of law and what it stands for including local government autonomy. He has said it at different fora that if he becomes the Governor of Imo State, his administration will conduct local government election within six months. Aside that, all funds due to the 27 local government councils will be disbursed equitably to enable them take development to the grassroots, unlike what is obtainable today. Hence nothing is happening in the various local government councils in the state.

“He has also said that, the first thing he will do on assumption of office is to initiate a comprehensive audit with a view to ascertaining how many people are owed salaries, pensions and gratuities in the state. And thereafter reach an agreement with them on how to address the situation amicably without breaching the agreement or engaging in endless and fruitless verification exercises that are aimed at buying time and deceiving the people.

“If the people know that a leader is sincere, reliable and passionately committed to their welfare, they will not only have confidence in the system but will also be ready to be patient and make sacrifices. The problem with the present state of affairs is that the people have, because of a lot of issues that border on greed, dishonesty and insincerity, lost confidence in the system. Tony Ejiogu led APGA government in Imo state will change the narrative, restore the peoples’ confidence in the system and also restore the lost glory of the state.

“I therefore call on the Imo electorate to support and vote for my principal Tony Ejiogu and my humble self. None of us has ever been found wanting. Neither have we in any capacity betrayed the trust and confidence reposed in us. Like my Principal, a very vibrant, intelligent and result-oriented young man of integrity has always said, you can always hold him accountable for all his election promises. Besides he is not just saying what he will do but gives graphic details of how he will do them because he already has a well articulated blue print of action, unlike other candidates”.

Commenting on the so-called power of incumbency, Dimapasaa said, “if you talk about the person in power being reelected on the basis of performances, that is a different thing but taking about rewarding failure because of incumbency is entirely out of it. Besides Imo people are now wiser and more politically aware. Hence, the November, 11, 2023 election will be a different ball game because it offers the electorate the opportunity to re-direct their collective destiny and liberate themselves from the shackles of poor, inept and purposeless Leader”.