The Peoples Democratic Party, Imo State chapter, has described Governor Hope Uzodinm’s recent promise to conduct Local Government election, as a cock and bill story that is aimed at siphoning funds and milk the state dry.

Acting Chairman of the party, in the state, Hon Engr Chidi Dike who stated this, posited that current development has shown that the Governor lacks the zeal and capacity to conduct credible, free and fair elections, after dragging Imo people into untold hardship, lack and deprivation occasioned by poor, inept and purposeless governance.

The party chieftain noted that, “It is an insult for Uzodinma, after the Interim Management Committee he appointed across the 27 LGAs in the state stayed beyond the constitutionally provided period in office, came up again with a fresh appointment of Sole Administrators to take charge of the local government area councils.

“Uzodinma lacks the capacity, the political will and the conscience to conduct any credible election in the state, since his mandate is not legitimate, a person of his nature does not have both the legal backing and what it takes to carry our such exercise”.

The PDP further warn Uzodinma to desist from playing to the gallery by deliberately working against the lives and properties of Imo people. He should immediately come out clear and inform Imo people how he managed LG allocation accrued to the state since his assumption as Governor of the state”.

The party therefore recalled how Uzodinma had promised severally to conduct LG election, regretting that after extorting Imo peoples’ hard earned money through the purchase of nomination forms, only for Uzodinma and his accomplices to turn back against them without refunding their money.

“This is another fraudulent means of duping gullible and desperate Imo people. From all indications, Uzodinma does not have the interest of the state at heart, his only interest is to enrich himself and make Imo people miserable”.