Some concerned prominent Orlu leaders and stakeholders who are worried by the lack of unity and cohesion in the zone and the attendant crises and segregation it has caused are said to have reached out to the various dissenting registered groups with a view to making Orluzurumee, the apex socio-cultural umbrella body that it used to be during the era of Obidiegwu, Chief Obioha, etc leaders. 

One of the stakeholders who does not want his name mentioned, said  they have made progress in that regard, having reached out to the leaders of the different registered groups who have also expressed willingness to come together as a formidable group with one voice.

He said, “we have spoken to the arrowheads of the 4 different Orluzurumee groups that are registered by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and they all agreed that there is need for a united and more formidable Orluzurumee that will fast track the much needed cohesion, unity of purpose and comprehensive development in Orlu zone”.

“As far as we are concerned, the priority is not who occupies which position, but the unity, progress and development of the zone. We are already working on a template. When it comes out, all other things will fall into place. As I speak to you, we have held several successful meetings where the dramatis personae also made useful inputs”.

He also stressed that Orluzurumee is not a political organization but a socio-cultural group that is designed to champion the collective interests of Orlu people at home and in the Diaspora. Hence, members of the different political affiliations can work together and rub minds about how to take Orlu zone to the next level of infrastructure and socio-economic development.

Responding to a question about who they are dealing with, he said, that they are dealing with those at the helm of affairs in the 4 registered bodies and in the shortest possible time, the desired objective will be achieved in the interest of Ndi Orlu.