-Its Serves Them Right For Being Selfish-LP Chieftain

The revelation that the Governor of Imo State, Senator Hope Uzodinma has stopped the payment of #50,000 monthly stipend to Presidents General of autonomous communities in the state, most of who supported and worked assiduously for his re-election, hoping that the monthly largesse will continue has surprised and shocked many people.

Some political pundits who commented on the development which they described as absolutely unfair, wondered why the Governor, who initiated the payment at the peak of his campaign for re-election suddenly dashed the hope of the Town Union Presidents who staked their all, because of the monthly stipend, which most of them depended on without notice or any explanation.

One of the disappointed Town Union Presidents who pleaded anonymity said, the last time they were paid the stipend was in December, 2023, adding that they thought that was the “Governor’s thank you package”. “Surprisingly, we have not been paid a kobo since then”.

 He wondered why the Governor suddenly stopped paying the stipend knowing the time, energy and sacrifices the Town Union Presidents made at the grassroots to ensure his victory at the polls. Ironically, the stipend was paid from the funds of the various local government council. Hence, when the Governor vacates office, it will be assumed that we were paid all through his tenure. Now that he has stopped paying us, what then will the allocations accruable to the local government councils be used for?”

A Chieftain of Labour Party, Chief Kingsley Ononuju, who commented on the development, said, it serves the Town Union Presidents right. He recalled how he told his Town Union President to support either the Labour Party or the People Democratic Part PDP, during the last election. But he refused and supported the APC because of the #50,000 stipend. Today, he and his colleagues have got what they bargained for by putting personal pecuniary interest above the collective interest of Imo people”.

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