Flags off construction of 5km Obodo Ahiara – Orie Ikpa road

By Martin Nwoko

The Senator representing Owerri zone at the red chambers of national assembly, Senator Francis Ezenwa Onyewuchi has commissioned multiple projects attracted by his office in three Local government areas of the zone. 

The Senator who toured three LGA’s in Imo State namely Mbaitoli, Ahiazu Mbaise and Aboh Mbaise yesterday also used the opportunity to commission many projects and flagged-off the construction of a road project that connects Obobo Ahiara to Orie Ikpa in Ahiazu Mbaise. 

The event which began at Afor Obazu market in Mbaitoli Local government area of Imo State saw Senator Ezenwa Onyewuchi commissioning forty modern stalls, an abattoir and a borehole which he attracted for the people of the area as part of his campaign promises made during the 2019 general election. 

After leaving Obazu market in Mbaitoli LGA, the Senator and his entourage landed at Obodo autonomous community, Ahiara in Ahiazu Mbaise LGA. Upon arrival, the Ebubedike II of Orji, Senator Ezenwa Francis Onyewuchi flagged off the construction of Obodo- Ahiara Orie Ikpa road which connects over six communities in the area and also connects Ikeduru LGA and some other neighboring towns. 

The next point of call for commissioning of projects by the Senator was Obohia autonomous community under Obohia/Ekwereazu town ward in Ahiazu Mbaise where he also commissioned forty modern stalls with abattoir and a borehole in Eke Umuihuocha market in Obohia autonomous community. 

Also, the people of Nguru Nwafor autonomous community under Ahiato ward was not left out from the developmental giant strides of distinguished Senator Ezenwa Francis Onyewuchi. The Senator commissioned forty modern market stalls with abattoir and a borehole at Afor Ajala market in Aboh Mbaise LGA to further enhance commercial activities in the area. 

Speaking at the commissioning ceremony in different areas, the Director General of Senator Ezenwa Onyewuchi campaign organization, Dr. Shah A. Okorie described the Senator as a man of integrity who has continued to follow his late father’s footsteps to keep good legacies in politics. 

Addressing the people of the areas who came out enmasse to receive him, Senator Ezenwa Onyewuchi reiterated his resolve to serve and represent the people of Owerri zone well at the Red Chambers. The Senator further stated that he will endeavor to touch every ward and community within Owerri zone stressing that he is always accessible to his people anytime any day to ensure the dividends of democracy gets to all. 

He maintained that his hallmark in politics is sincerity in service stressing that it gives him joy to serve the people. 

Senator Ezenwa Francis Onyewuchi also used the opportunity to recount the numerous empowerment programmes he has done for the people of Owerri Zone and the job opportunities he has secured maintaining that he will continue to serve Owerri Zone effectively. 

Ebubedike II equally used the opportunity to thank the people for supporting him and for voting massively for him at the last general election. He pledged to always do his best for Owerri Zone. 

Contributing, the traditional ruler of Obodo Ahiara autonomous community in Ahiazu Mbaise, HRH Eze G. I. O Anyanwu (Onuguotu I of Nna-Ahiara Ofo Iri thanked  Senator Ezenwa Francis Onyewuchi stressing that this is the first time his community, Obodo Ahiara is benefiting from a Senator representing Owerri Zone. The monarch therefore promised on behalf of his community to always support Senator Ezenwa Onyewuchi in every of his political aspirations.