–      Describe Him As Wealth Creation Expert

The emergence of Senator Athan Achonu and his running mate, Hon Tony Nwulu at the helm of affairs in Imo State in the next democratic dispensation will guarantee the security of lives and property, massive infrastructural and socio-economic transformation, as opposed to the frightening security challenges and other prevailing indices of bad and inept governance that the people are presently grappling with”.

The 27 Local Government Area Coordinators of the Labour Party Governorship Campaign Council in Imo State stated this in a release they jointly signed and issued.

The group maintained that having x-rayed the qualities, antecedents and track record of all the candidates without bias, they came to the conclusion that Senator Achonu and Hon Tony Nwulu are the most qualified, focused and equipped to positively address the myriad of challenges confronting Imo State at this point in time and urged the Imo electorate to vote en-masse for them, come November, 11, 2023.

They further stated that “this assertion is the result of their critical analysis and digestion of the several campaign and good governance promises of all the governorship candidates and political parties, contesting the November 11 Imo governorship election.

“Distinguished Senator Athan Achonu, Tony Nwulu and the Labour Party, have clearly demonstrated that they are the best prepared and equipped to take over from the failed government of Gov Hope Uzodinma and APC”. They said.

“Though, we are members of Labour Party, our position on this issue is devoid of political sentiments and affiliation but borne out of our passionate concern for the welfare of our dear state and her people who have been victims of failed, purposeless and ineffective governance that should not be experienced or tolerated for the next four years, except we want all structures of governance in the state to collapse beyond redemption”.

“Our principal and Party up till today are the only ones that have demonstrable capacity, track record and well articulated and implementable governance manifesto. No other party and candidate boasts of those basic necessities, including the incumbent and outgoing Gov Hope Uzodinma”.

According to them, the high level of preparation and readiness of the LP candidate can be discerned from the fact that, no other candidate and party, except LP and him have well spelt out and documented plan for the huge task of rescuing the state from the hospital bed that the APC has placed it on and which is why they feel  time has come to alert Imolites to that reality, as well as urge them to support and vote the best which are our party and candidate.

Apart from manifesto the group also asserted  Distinguished Senator Achonu despite operating largely in private sector,  has contributed more to the growth and development of Imo  through his many and diversified investments, than all his opponents from A to Z.

“As a private sector person he spent millions of naira to bankroll his pet project of Aku Ruo Ulo which advocates for Imo people abroad to come back home and invest. That advocacy has been on now for over 15 years”. The statement added 

Beyond advocacy they said he has built and still building many companies and industries in the state that have created hundreds of jobs, listing them to include  the multi Billion Nara Numo Agro Industries at Umunumo, Ehime Mbano LGA. The industry has capacity to employ 2000 directly and 10000 indirectly.

Numo Micro Finance Bank, a world class radio and television stations, “Ekwurekwu”.

“Other investments he secured licences and lands for their construction but was frustrated from constructing by succeeding APC governments are Oil Gas Park at Ohaji Egbema LGA, five star hotel and international shopping mall in Owerri”.

They further asserted that he has also  invested heavily in security of life and property of Imo people, as evidenced by  the N160M paid to Innoson Motors for the refurbishing of ten Armoured Personnel Carriers APC for the Imo State Police Command and donation of over 14 security vehicles to security agencies in the state.

The grassroots campaign leaders declared categorically that if elected their principal will surely recreate the industrial miracle of the first civilian governor of Imo State, Chief Samuel Mbakwe. 

They appealed passionately to Imo people to cast their votes for him come November 11 governorship election, and liberate the state from gross misgovernance, unprecedented poverty and Insecurity and many other ills plaguing the state today under the vision less and clueless APC government”.